Data Squirrels

Data Squirrels was founded in February 2011.
The company directors are Peter Blansjaar and Matt Engdahl, who between them have over 20 years experience in the market research industry. Julia Baker is the Data Squirrels DP superstar.
Peter has most recently worked as the Managing Director for a multinational panel company and brings experience in management and business development. Find out more on Linked In.
Matt's career has covered anything and everything between survey scripting and DP. Specialising in Excel and SPSS and having a keen interest in problem solving, he is ideally placed to be your partner in the data production stage of your project. Connect with Matt on Linked In.
Julia began work in the market research industry as a data analyst out of university, and has since specialised in survey programming, data processing and tabulations. With over 6 years of industry experience she brings a wealth of technical and research knowledge to DS. Learn about her skills on Linked In.



Location and contact

  • NSW

    Contact person: Peter Blansjaar
    Phone: 0280037675

    SE102, 11 Spring St
    Chatswood NSW 2067
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