Values Bank Research Centre
It is a market research company with considerable depth of experience in best practice processes for understanding and modelling behaviour, benchmarking and determining the best business inputs to achieve desired outputs. It has particular expertise in the development of methodologies, questionnaires, data collection and analysis for programme evaluation and demand prediction.
The Values Bank Research Centre carries out assignments for a range of large clients in the private sector and government.
The Values Bank Research Centre operates as an exclusive consultant to business with all business coming from recommendations or via existing business relationships. It has no public front hence there are no contact details on this site. This site operates as a for information only.
Brent Taylor
Managing Director and Research Director
Brent Taylor is Research Director of the Values Bank Research Centre and previously Research Director of KPMG’s Consumer and Industrial Markets group.
Brent has more than twenty years experience as a strategic market researcher carrying out a range of assignments with an emphasis on market demand modelling. He has particular expertise in focusing campaigns on critical target markets and fully describing those markets to provide both the messages and the media for optimum results.
A respected expert in market trends and values, Brent has created predictive market models for a diverse range of clients including Coles Myer, ANZ, Telstra, AMP Asset Management, Transport Accident Commission, Transurban CityLink, three electricity distribution businesses, five water utilities, Southern Health (Vic), Australia Post, Lend Lease, General Motors Holden, the City of Melbourne, Crown Casino and The Victorian Government (Federation Square), Telstra, Optus and Vodafone NZ.
Brent is a member of the Australian Market and Social Research Society and has society quality accreditation (Qualified Practicing Market Researcher) and has a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology Honours – Melbourne) and a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours - Auckland).
For articles about Brent Taylor at KPMG
Brent left KPMG in 2002 after running KPMG's Centre for Consumer Behaviour for four years. During that time the Centre was often reported in the media. Naturally enough, the number of articles have reduced over time but a few links remain.
Brent Taylor since KPMG
Brent has successfully operated the Values Bank Research Centre since leaving KPMG. He works directly for governments and corporations and gets his clients by recommendation.
Location and contact
Contact person: Brent Taylor
Melbourne VIC 3000